Monday, May 13, 2024

Four Way Stop


I was at an intersection in our neighborhood with a four-way stop. As I started to make a left turn when it was my turn I stopped suddenly halfway through my turn. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a young teen running on the sidewalk toward the intersection. And as he neared the intersection, he showed no sign of slowing down. So, I paused, waiting to see what he would do when he reached the edge of the sidewalk. He just kept running - not even stopping for a glimpse of the traffic or to check if anyone was going to let him cross. 

I was so glad I stopped. Had I been on my phone moments before I turned I might not have seen him coming.  Had I not stopped - I might have hit him.

I could tell the truck driver to my left had no idea why I was stopping in the middle of my turn and he was probably a bit upset I was stopped directly in front of him. I can only assume as I was focused on the intersection situation and not what other drivers were thinking. The truck driver could not see behind him and probably didn't see the teen run into the street. I'm not sure how many other drivers actually did.

And therein lies one of our greatest problems. 

We are not paying attention and staying aware of our surroundings.

We are making assumptions when others act - and usually we aren't thinking the best of them - silently calling them names in our head - or maybe out loud!

But what if we put our phones down? What if we paid attention to our surroundings and what was going on around us and paid attention more closely to others and how they were feeling and checked in with them? What if...?

How much better would our world be and our relationships and our lives?

Stop - Look - Listen!

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Modify the Recipe

Write As You Can, Not As You Can't -

(Enjoy Word on Fire - lesson here for all of us - writers or not -
As an executive coach, I work with clients to bust their assumptions about what is possible, unleash their creativity to solve their problems and develop the courage to actually take steps to make their dreams happen.
When I'm keynote speaking, I always get questions regarding situations attendees are dealing with at work (or home) where they are looking for the one right way/answer. I caution them to pay attention to their intuition, experiences and knowledge and take any advice - books, so called experts, speakers, any source of the "right way" to achieve - with a grain of salt. Meaning - listen to what is being offered and modify it to make it work for you.
At a women's leadership conference I attended - I listened in on a panel discussion. An audience member asked about what to do when your idea is stolen in a meeting. Each panelist had a different suggestion on dealing with others taking your ideas. One said to let it go. One suggested speaking to them outside of the meeting. Another would bring it up to their superior. The last said to confront the situation right there. In my head I thought - "respond with - I'm so glad you loved my idea so much you are sharing it here. Let me share more details about it and how it would bring great value to the organization... I think the best answer would be - it depends.
There is a club for high performers called the 5:00am club. I share the technique in many of my talks. They suggest you get up earlier than normal - and start your day with an hour that includes 20 minutes of exercise, 20 minutes of meditation and 20 minutes of learning. DO NOT TOUCH your cell phone first thing. I share that you can play with the idea to make it work for you. It doesn't have to be 5:00. You can do it at 9:00 - you can do it in any order - you can do each part for one or five minutes instead of 20. IF you like it - take what you like and make it work for you.
TAKE IT AND MAKE It YOUR OWN - like recipes. Don't you typically take recipes you like and over time you've modified them a little or a lot to perfect it for you and yours?
If you'd like a clarification on any of this - or want to brainstorm your situation - give me shout!
This article link is about writing - and all of the "pros" telling you how to get your writing done - schedule time, first thing in the morning, .... But the best way is your way. YOU KNOW what works best for you.
Do it as you can, not as you can't!