Thursday, September 17, 2020

Water Finds A Way

On a day hike in the beautiful Colorado Rockies, we arrived at the journey's prize - the waterfall. My son and I stopped to enjoy the view and the cold local beers he had packed in his hiking bag. It was a welcome rest and an amazingly relaxing area. The loud rush of the water over the rocks and the refreshing pop of the beer cans were two delights that added to the whole experience.

I was mesmerized by the water rushing over the boulders and down the hill. I watched it flow down the mountain past our cozy vantage point. It worked its way around and over rocks, quickly making its way past all of the obstacles it encountered. 

I think it provides a great metaphor for our risk taking journeys. To be like the water. Never letting any obstacles hold up your progress for very long. When you do come up against an obstacle - remember there is most always a way around or through it. The answer may not always be obvious at first, but with creativity and experimentation - you will successfully find a way to move forward. 

What lessons have you learned from past struggles? How could you apply that learning to barriers to action you are encountering now?