got to get to the water before we leave”, she pleaded. We were on one of the
most beautiful islands I’d ever been to, the Isle of Capri. It was the vacation
of a lifetime with my sister-in-law, nieces and their friend. We’d been
traveling about the island walking, riding a bus and a ski lift to see the
views but hadn’t actually touched the water yet. We made our way down to the
tiny cove of rock and pebble covered beach before jumping on our ferry back to
the mainland. She slipped off her shoes and started searching on the beach for
the perfect smooth rock specimens. Delighting in her finds, she started pitching
them back into the water one by one, counting the skips as each one skimmed the
water’s surface. Each time improving on her skip count little by little. I
tried too, but my stones failed miserably, sinking quickly after a mere half
skip or so. Satisfied with her last pitch, she watched the small rock sink back
into the clear water. Then we grabbed our shoes and headed toward the boat dock
for our ride home.
is something special about standing on the shoreline and skipping stones across
the water. The beautiful ripple produced by a perfect skip is mesmerizing to
watch. The small changes we make in our lives are like the ripples on the
water. They affect everything about us in a subtle way – and we continue on for
the better. What small change or risk will you take today to send positive ripples through your life?